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Holding Hands
Image by Ella Olsson
Image by Nadia Pimenova
Image by Ella Olsson
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Natural Ingredients

We're All LAZY and so Am I

Writer's picture: Katelynn TamielKatelynn Tamiel

Can I just say, that I could honestly be the laziest person you ever met because most of the time: I just don't want to!

  • I don’t want to workout

  • I don’t want to eat healthily

  • I don’t want to get out of bed

  • I don’t want to go to work

  • I don’t want to do the dishes

  • I don’t want to do groceries

  • I don't want to make dinner

  • I don’t want to budget

  • Do I really have to wash my hair? ...Because I don’t want to.

I think you get the gist.

Also, raise your hand if you don't want to either!

📷​​📷 But what do you do when you don’t want to?

Well, chances are, despite what you are feeling, you still get out of bed. You still go to work. You still end up cleaning the dishes. And you still end up washing your hair.


Well, we need to get out of bed so we can go to work and make some of that moola, because we gotta pay them bills, feed our human(s), and keep a roof over our head. You do the dishes because you need something clean to eat off of (unless you really don’t give a f*ck and are totally okay reusing dirty dishes #shameless). And you will eventually wash your hair, otherwise, your scalp will become hella itchy and gross if you don’t and it will feel like you have little critters crawling around through your hair (I say no thanks to that).

You see, the things that you don’t want to do but do anyway, are standards that you have set for yourself. That no matter what, you will make sure are done in order for you to function as a human being, to survive in society, and will accept nothing less.

But what about those things you know you should do but don’t do? Like eating healthier and working out? Spending within budget? Or what about taking the time to pursue those things that you dream about doing or having?

You know:

  • Your dream house

  • The places you want to travel

  • The money you want to make

  • The things you want to have

The issue for many people (myself included) is that that these things typically require effort (ughhhh) and work with no immediate result. Therefore, it is easy to put them off as there are no seemingly ‘immediate’ repercussions today. So why not wait and just start your workout regime tomorrow or Monday? Why not buy that shirt that fits you so well? You’re getting paid Friday. Eating a burger isn’t going to cause an immediate heart attack.


  • You are constantly uncomfortable in your skin, wishing you had more self-control or always wishing your body were different

  • You’re strapped for cash, not sure how you’re going to get out of this crushing debt

  • You have high blood pressure and just don’t know it yet

  • You’re miserable at your job, constantly dreaming of doing something else, but are too afraid to leave

You see, by constantly putting these things off because we ‘just don’t want to or feel like it’ at the moment, is ultimately making us unhappy long-after the moment has passed. You’re constantly in some state of discomfort.
  • If I continue to eat unhealthily, it will lead to inevitable weight gain. A sense of lethargy and physical discomfort in my body will start to kick in, affecting my self-confidence and self-esteem. I, therefore, may not feel sexy around my partner, withdrawing intimacy as a result of my building insecurities. What started out to have only affected me, now affects those around me - my relationships, as my partner begins to feel neglected, wondering if they did something wrong.

  • If I don’t write this blog post or focus on tasks that I would like to get done or accomplish, I start to feel that I am wasting time. Constantly wandering this planet with no sense of purpose or direction. The feeling that I know I am meant to do more but never knowing what that is, so I don’t even try. Or maybe I do start, but stop as quickly as I started. Or I stop only after a short period of time, feeling that what I am doing makes no difference, so what's the point? No one is going to listen to me or take me seriously anyway.

Often, we don’t realize how our lives are profoundly impacted by giving in to our “I don’t want to's”: Our mental health, self-esteem, physical health, emotional health, our relationships, finances, careers, you name it. Ultimately, that is what you're sacrificing every single time that you give in to your excuses for how you don't want to, so you don't.

The effects are so subtle, that giving in doesn’t seem problematic.

So raise your hand if you still don’t want to!

📷📷​​I get it, because more than anything, majority of the time, I just don’t want to either. I can come up with all of the excuses in the book: I’m tired. I don’t feel well. I need to do laundry, the dishes, clean the litter. I’ll get to it when “this” is done (and I never miraculously get to it). Someone needs my help. It’s raining out. It’s too hot outside. It’s too cold. I just started my period. I’m crampy as f*ck. I don't want to hurt anyone’s feelings, so I will just bottle everything up inside - it’s fine. And I just really need something sweet right now.

But what about those things that you want in life? How do you overcome those moments when you would rather do anything, but?

More often than not, you’re just going to have to be willing to get uncomfortable for a minute and then get to work on whatever it is that you want in your life. Be it, relationships, your health, finances, career, dream vacation, whatever. It takes work, dedication, consistency, and discipline to achieve what you want in life.

I know it probably sucks to hear, but also take it from the lazy person writing this post. Sometimes your wants need to be bigger than your excuses in those moments when you just don’t want to.

So here are a few notes from one lazy person to another:

  • Just do it anyways.

  • Remind yourself of what it is that you truly want for yourself long-term: is giving in going to help you get there?

  • Seek some guidance from someone who is just living the dream in the area you want to achieve

  • NEVER seek advice from someone who is not currently winning in the area that you want to improve on

  • Don't go crazy overboard either, take practical steps that you can remain consistent with long-term. Ain't nobody making you run a marathon tomorrow.

  • If you fall off the horse, don't just stay there on the ground! Get back up and try again!

  • Educate yourself! I don't necessarily mean go out and get a degree either, but there are a lot of valuable and free resources that you can use to expand your knowledge-base.

  • Try, try, and try again.

  • And try some more.



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